Our Mission

The mission of the Maryland School for the Blind is to serve students with blindness or low-vision of all abilities from birth through 21 throughout their educational journey. 


School structure, with flag at the top and a clock.

Years of Blind & Low Vision Education


Person icon, holding an open book.

On Campus Students


Four dots connected by lines to represent people being connected together.

Counties Reached by MSB


Outline of the state of Maryland.

Students Served Yearly,
In State & Out-of-State

On campus, where there are more than 200 students, a diverse range of eye conditions can be found among the student body.

33% have a diagnosis of Cortical Vision Impairment (CVI)
30% have had or has some form of Strabismus diagnosis
20% have some form of Nystagmus
16% have Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
15% have some form of Astigmatism
13% have had a diagnosis of Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)
11% have a diagnosis of Glaucoma
11% have no light perception in either one or both eyes
10% have a diagnosis of Optic Nerve Atrophy
10% have or had a Retinal Detachment(s)
10% have had or has some form of Cataracts

The eye conditions experienced by students can differ from year to year, and it is possible for some students to have multiple conditions. Other diagnosis (16%) within our student body consist of: Amblyopia, Aniridia, Enucleation procedures, Microphthalmia, Aphakia, Coloboma, Corneal Scars, pre or phthisis, Microcornea, Optic Neuropathy, Band Keratopathy, and more.

Blindness is a Spectrum

Two people, both wearing orange shirts, share a moment of companionship. One is kneeling while the other is sitting in a wheelchair. They are smiling and interacting in a brightly lit room.
Two people, both wearing orange shirts, share a moment of companionship. One is kneeling while the other is sitting in a wheelchair. They are smiling and interacting in a brightly lit room.

The Expanded Core Curriculum

The ECC forms the core of our operations and underlies all the services we provide at MSB. These essential skills serve as a strong foundation for guiding students’ development, setting personalized objectives, and delivering instruction both within and beyond the classroom.

The ECC focuses on compensatory skills, independent living, orientation and mobility, assistive technology, career education, sensory efficiency, self-determination, recreation and leisure, social interaction paving the way for academic excellence and success in their future pursuits.